Macrobiotic Lifestyle Counseling

In Person - By Telephone - By Video Call

An individual consultation is important for providing insights and feedback based on your individual health situation, with refined recommendations personalized for your needs.

The level of detail and attention you receive in an individual consultation can increase the speed, accuracy, ease and confidence for your putting changes into action and for making your healing successful.

What to Expect

For all individual consultations, whether by phone, video, or in person

2 hours - Confidential

(Includes 2 email follow-ups within first month)

  • Review and clarification of your completed Personal History Form

  • Oriental diagnosis of face, body and pulse

  • Explanations and insights

  • Recommendations for diet, herbs, lifestyle, acupressure points

  • Personalized Dietary Guidance Booklet including acupressure points (8 pages)

  • Nutritional Guidance Packet with recipes (52 pages)

Book a Consultation

Initial Session
$350 up to 2 hours
(plus 2 email follow-ups for one month)
Discount possible based on needs

Follow up Sessions
(within 1 year)
$225 for 1½ hours

Pre-Consultation Forms

  • Download and complete the appropriate form —

  • Personal History Form (3 pages)

  • Follow Up Form (2 pages)

    — by downloading it to your computer and emailing it back to me at, or print and bring with you.

  • Select important medical tests (i.e. blood test, summary report, MRI scan)

  • For new clients: Take several photos of yourself:
    (1) portrait of the face;
    (2) full-length view of you standing indoors or outside;
    (3) a close-up of the tongue; and
    (4) any other areas or features that you want me to see

  • Email to

  • Write Questions (on a separate paper) that you want to be sure get answered

  • Recommended: Reading on Macrobiotics

  • Directions how to get to the office

  • Payment is expected at the time of your appointment, with any of the following methods:

    (1) Personal checks or cash
    (2) Credit or Debit Cards
    (3) PayPal, Venmo or Zelle

  • An open mind and heart, to be prepared to change and start the true healing process

  • For Follow Up Sessions only: bring Dietary Guidance Booklet

Testimonials for Macrobiotic Counseling

B.S., Washington, D.C.

“The phone consultation was by far the most helpful. I went to work and saw results within days, as a large tumor under the left arm is vanishing!! Dealing with the emotional issues was also major.”

P.T., Gaithersburg, Md.

“I just want to express my gratitude to you in your work with macrobiotics. It has made a profound difference in my life, as well as my effect on others. Your commitment and accepting manner come through in everything you do.”