Past Teachings & Travels
March 17-24, 2023
A Unique Vegan Cruise in the Caribbean
The Holistic Holiday at Sea cruise has been going on each spring for 15 years, except during the pandemic.
So now, in 2023, it resumes again. I am honored to be a presenter during the cruise as well as offering private consultations.
Here are the lectures that I'll be giving:
1) Improve Digestion and Feel Better from Head to Toe
2) Strengthening Elimination for Clear Body and Mind
3) Women's Wellness After Menopause
Plus I'll be doing:
Group Consultation, with limited enrollment. This is an opportunity for people to get useful feedback and a few specific recommendations to support their self healing.
May 2021
Basic Alchemy -- Essentials of Macrobiotics & Oriental Healing
This is the 13th year that Michael has presented this course in London. Due to the pandemic, the 2020 workshop was cancelled, but in 2021 it will be presented live via Zoom. It has been newly revised and made more interactive and easy to absorb and utilize.
It will be on two weekends from 1:30 - 7:30 pm UK time (which is 8:30 am - 2:30 pm) East coast USA time.
For complete details click HERE.
To ask any questions or register your place, please contact Charlotte Hopper on +44 7834 496 625 / +44 20 7607 1140 / (From USA, dial 011 before the phone number) or email her at
July 22, 2021
The Two Pillars For Health
The body has two essential powers for providing vitality and strong immunity. These can weaken gradually, whether from aging or poor lifestyle habits, leading to myriad health problems. In this talk you will learn how to strengthen and sustain these powers for a higher quality of life.
In Oriental healing, the two primal powers that sustain our lives are Blood and Qi (energy). Blood is created by our foods, and importantly, through the quality of digestion, the transmutation of foods. The power to transform food creates new blood, which directly affects our physical, emotional and mental health.
The other core energy, Qi, is controlled by Kidney energy. Kidney energy contains our original inherited essence. And, as the source of all Yin and Yang energies, Kidney supports all the other organs’ ability to work together and function. Learn the keys to strengthening and improving good digestion and Kidney power through foods, acupressure and more.
July, 2020
@Concord Institute, London, England
This is the 13th year that Michael has presented this course in London. It has been newly revised and made more interactive and easy to absorb and utilize.
Counseling in London, England.
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff by email at
April 26-28, 2019
Women's Health—Creating a Life of Natural Wellness
with Michael Rossoff, L.Ac. plus Dianne Rose, exercise
and Jane Stanchich, chef
See full details and registration at
June 14-16, 2019
@Concord Institute, London, England
This is the 12th year that Michael has presented this course in London. It has been newly revised and made more interactive and easy to absorb and utilize.
Counseling in London, England
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff by email at
June 17, 2019
Presented by the Macrobiotic Association of UK
Location: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, Marylebone, London
Time: Gather 6:30 pm Lecture + Q&A 7:00-9:00 pm
Refreshments 9:00-9:30 pm
Learn about the vital importance of the Liver and Gall Bladder from the physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual levels. There will be extra details of the unique role of the mysterious GB and how we can benefit from it.
Most long-term health problems will always have a Liver / GB component. This pair has an overriding influence on women's lives -- menstrual, menopausal and beyond as well as on men's overall health.
What can be done to improve and protect these powerful organs through foods, acupressure and lifestyle approaches?
April 27-30, 2019
Basic Alchemy--Essentials of Macrobiotics & Oriental Healing
See full details and registration at
Counseling & Acupuncture
March 2-7, 2017
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at 828-258-1883 or by email at
Saturday, March 4 at 7:00 - 9:30 pm
Dinner: at 7:00 pm
Lecture: at 8:00 pm by Michael Rossoff
Location: Private home in Arlington, Virginia (further details on left)
Lecture: The ABC's to Greater Wellness
Even when there is a major health crisis, there is a path back to great wellness. Learn about the most important food choices for healing and prevention.
Michael will explain the yin/yang of food selection for making satisfying, healthy meals. Yin and yang are terms from Oriental medicine that help us make sense of the world around us, including foods.
He will also prioritize lifestyle habits that can significantly secure your wellness.
Cost for the lecture and macrobiotic dinner $80.
Please register with Healthy Living, Inc.
Counseling & Acupuncture
April 27 - May 2, 2017
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at
828-258-1883 or by email at
Good Digestion — The Miracle of Life
Digestion is the power of transformation—of foods and liquids into our blood and qi (energy). Strong blood and qi are the foundations of our health.
Michael will focus on the unique powers of the stomach, because all digestion and elimination depend on the stomach’s ability to receive and begin orderly digestion. It is not only what you eat that makes health, but also what you digest and absorb that counts.
It’s easy to take this primal function for granted until there are problems. Heart burn, acid reflux and ulcers are rampant in modern life, with 20-30% of people in America having weekly symptoms. And of course, there are more serious conditions such as diabetes, pancreatitis, gallstones and stomach and pancreas cancers.
You will learn about the true nature of digestion from Western and Oriental understandings. While the focus is on the stomach, there will be important references to the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. You will see why certain foods cause different stomach problems and which foods can remedy these conditions.
We’ll explore the impact of emotions and lifestyle on digestion. And you’ll learn new insights into lifestyle changes and simple approaches to stress and its emotional responses.
You’ll leave this lecture with satisfying information to digest!
Basic Alchemy Program
September 29-October 1, 2017
@ Concord Institute, London, England
This is the 11th year that Michael has presented this course in London. It has been newly revised and made more interactive and easy to absorb and utilize.
Counseling in London, England
September 18, 2017
October 2-5, 2017.
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff by email at
Counseling & Acupuncture
March 10-15, 2016
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at 828-258-1883 or by email at
Saturday, March 12 at 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Lecture: at 7:00 pm by Michael Rossoff
Dinner: at 5:30 pm by Kevin Oshiro
Location: Private home in Arlington, Virginia (further details on left)
Lecture: Food, Mind and Memory:
How to Maintain and Sustain Mental Clarity
This lecture will help you improve your mental clarity, both short-term and long-range, through dietary and lifestyle habits. Modern people are beset with personal worries and demands, along with excessive input of conflicting information, which is easily overwhelming. How can we simplify and reach clarity with everyday living for peace, satisfaction and well-being?
Food plays a critical role in our physical, even more with our mental wellness. While we can easily perceive the effects and shifts of mind with a little alcohol or too much caffeine, all foods and drink have forces, alone and in combination. We will explore which foods and food combinations create scattered, confused, fearful and obsessive thinking, along with physical sensations of sluggishness, mid-day drowsiness and more.
This lecture will nourish you with food for thought in understanding how to change and create new patterns. Michael will give you insights on how to support strong, clear thinking with eating and lifestyle. Look forward to more clarity of mind in your daily life.
Cost for the lecture and macrobiotic dinner $55.
Please register with Susan at: or 202-255-9370.
47th French Meadows Camp
at Pinecrest Lake, California
Friday, July 15, through Tuesday, July 19.
Michael will give 4 lectures and available for counseling from Saturday, July 16 through Wednesday, July 20 (though the camp continues until July 23rd).
21st One World Festival
Somerset, England
Michael will give 5 lectures during the week and is available for counseling.
Advanced Training—Women's & Men's Health from Western, Eastern and Macrobiotic Perspectives
he Key to Harmony & Happiness
With Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
September 1-4, 2016
This three-day training will focus on women’s and men’s health problems. The majority of the study will explore women’s problems because they are more common, varied and complex.
These include: menstrual difficulties, infertility, pregnancy, postpartum, nursing; peri- and post-menopause. Specific problems will be studied such as breast cysts, ovarian cysts, PCOS, fibroids, cervical dysplasia and more.
We will also explore men’s health problems, such as prostatitis, infertility, and impotence. Cancer will be discussed in the context of underlying causes and approaches for healing. Reproductive health equals natural sexual health. So it is important to know when and how to address these issues.
The approach for this intensive training will be client based, which means that we will work from case studies of real people who often have multiple and chronic problems.
You will experience how Michael works with a client through talk, physical examination, analysis and recommendations.Says Michael: "The subtle secret of healing is having the ability to “see” who a person can be in true health despite their present condition. Only in this way are you an inspiration and a true guide in the client’s healing journey."
Who Can Join This Course?
This program is tailored for graduates of macrobiotic schools in the UK, Europe and America. Everyone should be confident with basic diagnostic skills, and have practical experience working as a macrobiotic counselor.
All students are expected to be familiar with basic anatomy and functions of the male and female reproductive systems, yin-yang philosophy, Five Element /Transformations, macrobiotic dietary understanding, 24-hour Meridian Cycle, and with the 14 classical meridians and some key points on those meridians.
Basic Alchemy Program
September 9-11, 2016
@Concord Institute, London, England
This is the 10th year that Michael has presented this course in London. It has been newly revised and made more interactive and easy to absorb and utilize.
Counseling in London, England
September 8, 2016
September 12-14, 2016
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff by email at
Basic Alchemy: Essentials of Macrobiotics and Oriental Healing
October 28-31, 2016
This is a newly revised course that has been presented for 10 years in London and twice in Asheville, N.C. during the past 4 years.
This course has been received to great acclaim. Besides Michael's teachings, there will be a cooking class with Caren Bakkum, daily qigong exercises and a lecture with Bob Ligon, plus delicious macrobiotic lunches prepared by Jane Stanchich.
No previous study is required, and for those who have had other studies then you will be able to go much deeper in your understanding.
For complete details and costs, please see Michael's teaching website,
November 18-20, 2016
Michael is the main teacher for this twice yearly gathering.
On Friday evening Michael explores the line between when someone "is" macrobiotics and then "is not" macrobiotic. How has this effected the history of macrobiotics?
On Saturday, Michael teaches about the central importance of digestion for all health and healing. Also, how to satisfy cravings and balance lifestyle with everyday eating.
And on Sunday, Michael addresses the need for finding psychological and emotional stability in a world filled with extremes.
Counseling & Acupuncture
March 6-10, 2015
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at 828-258-1883 or by email at
Saturday, March 7 at 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Lecture: at 6:30 pm by Michael Rossoff
Dinner: at 5:00 pm by Susan Beram & Kevin Oshiro
Location: Susan’s house in Gaithersburg, Md.
Lecture: Synchronizing to Springtime
Good health requires us to adapt to the changing seasons. Spring is a uniquely challenging time for two reasons. First, it is the true beginning of the energy year, so how we align ourselves with spring will ripple throughout the other seasons. Secondly, our tastes and eating habits often conflict with our true needs.
You will learn the keys for making a smooth transition from winter to spring and learn how to understand this process through the insights of yin/yang.
The Chinese New Year, celebrated on February 19 this year, signals the true beginning of spring energy. So let’s have an easy transition in 2015!
The cost of the lecture and macrobiotic dinner is $55.
Please register with Susan at: or 202-255-9370.
Basic Alchemy Program
March 27-29, 2015
@Concord Institute, London, England
Counseling in London, England
Thursday, March 26, 2015
March 30 - April 3, 2015.
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff by email at
April 20-22, 2015
For an appointment, please contact Ken Becker at: 650-274-1084 or by email at
Monday, April 20, 2015, 6:30-9:00 pm
Dinner: at 6:30pm in Palo Alto, Calif. — $18
Lecture: at 8:00 pm, following the dinner — By Donation
Lecture: Longevity in the Age of Disease
Modern medical science in the 21st century claims many advanced and sophisticated techniques—from diagnosis to treatment. Meanwhile statistics show that almost fifty percent of Americans live with a chronic and compromising health condition, about twenty-five percent with multiple conditions.
The four top causes of death are diseases that significantly relate to dietary and lifestyle practices: cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and diabetes. This talk will not focus on cancer. For both prevention and improvement, personal choices give us the power to be in charge of our health. Even chronic conditions can respond surprising well if we recharge our health with diet and other common sense care. A new vision of healthy living and personal commitment is within your hands.
This talk will focus on the elements of change that can create and sustain life. Which foods and lifestyle changes will matter most? How to alter addictions to sugar, salt, alcohol and junk foods? Do supplements bring greater health? What can we learn from other cultures who have lived long lives? And how to select the most empowering changes from a seeming endless list of “good” things to do?
May 15, 2015
May 17-18, 2015
For an appointment, please contact Leslie Frodema at 978-443-7525 or
Lecture: Why Women Live Longer than Men...And What Men Can Do About It!
Friday May 15 / 7:00-9:00 pm
—with tea & dessert
At home of Tomoko Shibuya • Arlington, Mass.
$25 in Advance — $30 at Door
On average, women in the U.S. live 5 to 8 years longer than men do. Why? What factors influence this difference? Scientists credit genetics, others say women are less aggressive and conflict-prone than men, others claim women take better care of themselves. This lecture will use an Oriental Medicine perspective to explore the energetic differences between men and women and offer practical suggestions to help men narrow the longevity gap.
Seminar: The Two Pillars of Wellness
Saturday May 16
10:00 am - 4:30 pm
— with lunch
At home of Tomoko Shibuya • Arlington, Mass.
$85 in Advance — $95 Day of Event
The body has two essential powers for providing vitality and strong immunity. If not properly cared for, these can weaken gradually, leading to myriad health problems. In this seminar you will learn how to strengthen and sustain these powers, necessary for healing and for a high quality of life.
What are these two pillars? One is strong blood and the other is Qi/Ki of body energy.
Our blood is determined by the foods we eat and by our power of digestion. Digestion, therefore, is essential to general well being and long term health. We will examine the organs of digestion from both western and oriental medicine and discuss specific symptoms, along with some causes and measures for correcting them; for example — acid reflux, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. You will gain an understanding of acute versus chronic problems, and how to apply the tools of yin/yang for analyzing symptoms and finding solutions through a macrobiotic dietary approach.
The other pillar of wellness is the Qi or Ki energy which is controlled by Kidney energy. In oriental medicine Kidney means much more than the organs as understood by Western medicine. The Kidneys are a storehouse of vital energy that directs and sustains our physical, emotional and mental well being. In oriental healing they have direct impact on every other organ and function of the body. Further, they determine our unique cycles in life and contribute greatly to longevity. You will learn how to protect and strengthen Kidney power through key lifestyle guidelines, dietary choices and special remedies.
We will learn several important acupressure points for improving digestion and for treating specific symptoms, and a few points for strengthening kidney energy.
Counseling & Acupuncture
June 12-16, 2015
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at
828-258-1883 or by email at
Saturday, June 13 at 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Location: Susan’s house in Gaithersburg, Md.
Arrive: 5:00 pm
Dinner: at 5:30 pm by Susan Beram & Kevin Oshiro
Lecture: at 7:00 pm by Michael Rossoff
Lecture: The Art of Discernment: What's Important and What Isn't?
You’ve heard the expression — it’s all in the details. Come to this lecture to go beyond common fears, confusion and misconceptions. Learn how to live the 'great life' in a beautifully imperfect world. Michael will address questions and concerns about daily habits and broad lifestyle practices. You will learn which details are important and which are more flexible for individual conditions and interpretation. This lecture will take an in-depth look at these topics:
Perspective on individual needs
Healing diet vs. lifestyle eating
Seasonal adaptations
Best use of SOS ingredients – salt, oil, sweets
Relevance of supplements and vitamins
Cookware and storage containers, and
Organic vs other choices
Learn when consistency matters, and how to use your own judgment for setting personal boundaries or relaxing them.
The cost is $60: includes the lecture and macrobiotic dinner.
Please register with Susan at: or 202-255-9370.
Advanced Macrobiotic Counseling
November 5-8, 2015
This program is focused on:
>>helping you improve and deepen your healing practice
>>challenge and sharpen your understanding of diagnosis, foods for healing, the energetics of cause and healing, and the emotional connections to illness and wellness.
This study is ideal for:
>>those who are already teaching, coaching and counseling
>>also for serious students who will soon be involved in healing work.
There are two unique aspects to this training.
>>First is that the format will be based around personal case histories.
You are encouraged to bring one or more client problems for an in-depth analysis and discussion. And I will bring more. Further, there will be one or more live consultations that I will do that to facilitate discussions of many important components of healing.
>>The other unique aspect of the training is that we will focus on two major areas of disease: digestive and circulatory.
Much of the modern world’s health crisis is in one or the other of these. Further, I suggest that if these two systems are healed, then healing can rapidly progress to all other regions of the body.
Throughout our studies, I want to emphasize that importance of communication and compassion with care and an appreciation of the healing journey.
Counseling & Acupuncture
December 10-15, 2015
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at
828-258-1883 or by email at
Saturday, Dec. 12 at 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Location: Susan’s house in Gaithersburg, Md.
Arrive: 5:00 pm
Dinner: at 5:30 pm by Susan Beram & Kevin Oshiro
Lecture: at 7:00 pm by Michael Rossoff
Lecture: Heart & Soul for Winter Blues
According to Oriental medicine the heart not only pumps blood but also governs and carries all emotions. The heart is pivotal to our health, essential for true happiness, for spiritual calm and for emotional enthusiasm.
We will look at the underlying nature of emotions and ways to change our disturbed feelings into healthy expression and release. By taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions and reactions, we can explore ways of tuning in without tuning out.
With holiday stress and winter blues, this season is a good time to learn and remind ourselves of ways to stay calm and balanced.
Topics discussed in this lecture will be:
• importance of heart to physical, emotional and spiritual health
• five ways to resolve emotional extremes
• relationship of heart to kidneys, liver and small intestines
• blood pressure and cholesterol
• foods for a stronger heart
• empowering & calming acupressure points
The cost is $60: includes the lecture and macrobiotic dinner.
Please register with Susan at: or 202-255-9370.
Counseling & Acupuncture
March 19-23, 2014
For an appointment, contact Michael Rossoff at 828-258-1883 or by email at
Wednesday March 19, 2014
@Georgetown section of Washington, DC.
Juliette Tahar and the staff of Healthy Living, Inc. will prepare a delicious macrobiotic dinner, then Michael will give the lecture.
For details for registration and location, please contact Healthy Living, Inc. or call 202-664-9679.
Lecture: Life is Energy, All is Energy
All of our life is energy in one form or another. Foods are energy, along with all that we consume, including air, the environment (indoors and outdoors), the seasons, plus the sun, moon and stars. So too our thoughts, feelings, intuitions and spiritual awareness carry energy.
We have inherited energies from our relatives and ancestors, and we continue to acquire energies day by day. Keeping this understanding as a core consciousness will help us navigate our daily life for the best of healthy living now and into the future.
Counseling & Acupuncture
June 16-22
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at 828-258-1883 or
by email at
Sunday, June 15 at 3:30 pm
Lecture: by Michael Rossoff
Dinner: by Susan Beram & Kevin Oshiro
Location: Susan’s house in Gaithersburg, Md.
Lecture: The Two Pillars For Wellness
The body has two essential powers for providing vitality and strong immunity. These can be weakened gradually, leading to myriad health problems. In this lecture you will learn how to strengthen and sustain these powers for a high quality of life.
What are these two pillars for healing and maintaining good health? One is strong blood, which is determined by our foods and digestion. The other is core energy, which is controlled by Kidney energy.
In Oriental medicine Kidney energy means much more than the organs and their basic functions as understood by Western medicine. This talk with give you the keys to strengthening and supporting good digestion and Kidney power through foods, acupressure and more.
The cost of the lecture and macrobiotic dinner is $55.
Please register with Susan at: or 202-255-9370.
Counseling & Acupuncture
September 19-23, 2014
For an appointment, please contact Michael Rossoff at 828-258-1883 or by email at
September 21 at 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Lecture: by Michael Rossoff
Dinner: by Susan Beram & Kevin Oshiro
Location: Susan’s house in Gaithersburg, Md.
Lecture: Food, Emotions & Spiritual Well-Being
All emotional imbalances can be seen as disturbances in the natural flow of energy, with energies influenced by short and long standing patterns--patterns with eating, breathing, sleeping, physical tensions and emotional reactions to daily life challenges.
It is in our hands to change these habits, compulsions, and addictions so that we can literally change our energies and biological functions towards psychological well-being.
Our goal is to transform cycles of anxiety, mood swings, excessive worry, panic, hysteria, and depression into a calm core of stability, a full reservoir of well-grounded energy so that we can meet troubles, even crisis with clear thinking and expression.
The focus of this talk is on how to create and sustain good quality Blood because in Oriental Taoist medicine the Blood is the carrier of all of our emotions. How can foods and lifestyle strengthen and harmonize Heart and Small Intestine energies because they are, respectively, the mover and tonifier of Blood?
In between them are Liver and Pancreas, which also influence Blood. When these energies are flowing smoothly we are peaceful, yet alert. We can respond with careful and caring clarity, with brightness and joy. We can feel emotionally centered, secure and literally well-nourished when we give careful attention to our food choices and habits.
“My religion is kindness.”
—The Dalai Lama
The cost of the lecture and macrobiotic dinner is $55.
Please register with Susan at: or 202-255-9370.
Basic Alchemy: Macrobiotics & Oriental Healing
November 6-10, 2014
This 4-day intensive macrobiotic & Oriental healing course, called Basic Alchemy, provides new and long time students an exceptional opportunity to learn the true nature of healing, and gain the practical tools to succeed.
There will be classroom study, cooking demonstrations and qigong exercises daily. Plus delicious macrobiotic lunches each day. Come prepared to change and grow--this can be a springboard for improving your life and the life of others.
February 19, 2013
How to Love the Foods That Are Good For You
With Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
Tuesday Evening, 7:00-9:00 pm
Jubilee Church, 46 Wall Street, Asheville, N.C.
In recent years the words "natural foods" and "healthy foods" have been claimed by many a dietary approach — from the Cave Man diet to Raw Foods diets to the Macrobiotic diet, and further complicated by counting calories and worrying about gluten content or the glycemic index of various foods.
With the simple tools of yin and yang you can gain insights into the energy natures of foods, along with an understanding of best choices for your personal needs.
Come to this lecture to learn how to choose truly natural, nutritious foods with confidence. Michael will discuss setting simple priorities and boundaries for daily eating, and he will give you new perspectives on cravings, what they mean and how to respond, without indulging in extremes. You will see how snacks, treats and pleasure foods can help or harm your daily balance and how they serve emotional needs.
Michael will provide you with a refreshing perspective on food so that you can feel better physically mentally and emotionally if you are ready to take the challenge of change.
March 1-6, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Monday Evening, March 4
Meetup Group—Dinner-Lecture
“How to Love the Foods That Are Good For You ”
Meetup Group Dinner-Lecture
Juliette Tahar • • 202-664-9679
Bethesda, Md.
Counseling, March 1-6, in Bethesda, Md.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
How to Live the Foods That Are Good For You
The lecture will be on Monday, March 4 in Georgetown, Washington, DC as part of Healthy Living, Inc.'s Monday Night Meetup group.
In recent years the words "natural foods" and "healthy foods" have been claimed by many a dietary approach — from the Cave Man diet to Raw Foods diets to the Macrobiotic diet, and further complicated by counting calories and worrying about gluten content or the glycemic index of various foods.
With the simple tools of yin and yang you can gain insights into the energy natures of foods, along with an understanding of best choices for your personal needs. Come to this lecture to learn how to choose truly natural, nutritious foods with confidence.
Michael will discuss setting simple priorities and boundaries for daily eating, and he will give you new perspectives on cravings, what they mean and how to respond, without indulging in extremes. You will see how snacks, treats and pleasure foods can help or harm your daily balance and how they serve emotional needs.
Michael will provide you with a refreshing perspective on food so that you can feel better physically mentally and emotionally if you are ready to take the challenge of change.
May 17-22, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Monday Evening, May 20
Meetup Group—Dinner-Lecture
“Home Remedies for Head & Body ”
Meetup Group Dinner-Lecture
Juliette Tahar • Register at MeetUp's Path-to-Wellness Group • 202-664-9679
Bethesda, Md.
Counseling, May 17-22, in Bethesda, Md.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
The lecture will be on Monday, May 20, in Georgetown, Washington, DC as part of Healthy Living, Inc.'s Monday Night Meetup group.
Many of our minor aches, pains and upsets can be healed with simple foods. The way to understand how to use foods as medicine is by learning the easy tool of yin-yang. With this tool you can distinguish the nature of the problem and then apply it to the range of foods.
For example, headaches can be either yin or yang. Once you learn how to know this, then by applying the opposite nature of foods you have a remedy and healing. Besides headaches, examples with stomach and digestive troubles and backaches will be given. Learn to think with yin-yang and you will discover many insights.
June 7-9, 2013 • Asheville, N.C.
Women’s Health: Creating a Life of Natural Wellness
With Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
Friday, June 7 @ 7:00 pm • Saturday, June 8, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm • Sunday, June 9, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
At Asheville Training Center • $250, Pre-registration Required
Please visit the website, for complete details and registration.
Details about the program, support teacher and lunches are described fully. Besides in-depth study of how the body is designed for self-healing, we will explore ways for regaining natural health from many of the core concerns women have--from fibroids, PMS, breast cysts, to menopausal difficulties and even learning new insights into cancer, heart disease and more. Each day includes qigong exercises and a delicious macrobiotic lunch.
June 21-23, 2013
Devon, England
Advanced Macrobiotic Counselor Training
With Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
Friday, June 21 @ 7:00 pm • Saturday, June 22, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm + Evening
Sunday, June 23, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
I will be teaching in Devon at the International Macrobiotic School run by Oliver Cowmeadow. The actual location will be in Dartmoor. Please see the attached announcement with registration.
This will be n unique opportunity for those of you how have studied with me or others and want to refine your skills for helping people improve their health. As a residential weekend, this can be a special time for deeper studies and relaxation.
For more details please open the link below. And to register, just fill out the form at the end of the linked document. Further information, please contact the International Macrobiotic School, +0044 (0)1803 762598.
July 12-14, 2013 — Asheville, N.C.
With Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
At Asheville Training Center • $250, Pre-registration Required
Please visit the website, for complete details and registration.
September 6-11, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Monday Evening, September 9
Meetup Group—Dinner-Lecture
“Why Women Live Longer and What Men Can Do to Catch Up”
Meetup Group Dinner-Lecture
Juliette Tahar • • 202-664-9679
Bethesda, Md.
March 1-6, in Bethesda, Md.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
Why Women Live Longer and What Men Can Do to Catch Up
The lecture will be on Monday, September 9, in Georgetown, Washington, DC as part of Healthy Living, Inc.'s Monday Night Meetup group.
Women live up to 5 years longer than men, so they must be doing many things better than men. What lifestyle, personality and social factors plus eating choices contribute to this difference?
By shining a light on these, everyone can benefit. There will be many practical tips you will take away that can improve your longevity, especially from the ancient Chinese healers. By the way, the best time to learn these lessons are when you are young, then your chances for greater longevity multiply even more.
October 10-18, 2013 — London, England
Basic Alchemy--Oriental Medicine & Macrobiotics
CONTACT: Concord Institute • • +44 (0)20 7607 1140
For Counseling on Oct. 10 & from Oct. 14-18 • Please contact M. Rossoff
December 12-16, 2013
Washington, D.C.
for Healthy Living, Inc.
Monday Evening, December 9 from 6 - 9 pm
at The Pepco Edison Place Gallery • 702 Eighth Street, NW • Washington, DC 20068
Bethesda, Md.
December 12-16, 2013
Please call Michael Rossoff for an appointment.
January 3, 2012
Prostate Cancer Support Group
With Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
7:00 pm • No Charge
This short talk offers men a key to long-term self healing. The importance of daily eating and exercise is a foundation for successful "containment" without surgery. Foods and drinks, both detrimental ones and positive ones will be explained.
Also, the power of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can give added support. At the most profound level of deep healing comes the emotional and spiritual sides of life, which must be nourished for true healing to succeed.
February 1, 2012 • Asheville, N.C.
Are You Too Yin or Too Yang?
Part I of a series titled FOOD, HEALTH & HEALING
Sponsored by Asheville Macrobiotic Alliance
Wednesday, February 1 @ 7:00 pm • Jewish Community Center • Charlotte Street, Asheville, NC • $10
The yin yang perspective is easy to learn and is an extraordinary tool for understanding the nature of all things. It takes us beyond simple opposites (good/bad, healthy/sick) to the truth that everything is a gradation between these opposites.
The unique dynamic of yin/yang lies in seeing reality unfiltered by emotions or biases. From this vantage point, we can begin exploring cause and effect, and the true nature of change.
Michael will explore the basic meanings of yin and yang, with key helpful ways of applying them to your personal health. He will explain how understanding yin/yang principles can give you insights not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual realms of health.
Learn the profound value of using yin and yang as tools for understanding your condition. Our body sends us messages with symptoms that communicate temporary imbalances as well as stagnation and accumulating troubles. From imbalance to wholeness, this lecture will guide you through important ways of empowering yourself for self healing.
February 21, 2012 • Asheville, N.C.
The Heart of Emotional Well-Being
Tuesday, February 21 @ 7:00 pm • At Jubilee! Church • 46 Wall Street, Asheville, NC • $10 at the door
From the physiology of our four-chambered heart to our emotional associations with it, the heart is pivotal to our health. According to Oriental medicine the heart not only pumps blood but also governs and carries all emotions.
The wellness of the circulatory system depends on the heart, but also includes liver, spleen and arteries and veins. A healthy heart is essential for true happiness, for spiritual calm to emotional enthusiasm. By taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions and reactions, we can explore ways of tuning in without tuning out.
Topics discussed in this lecture will be:
• importance of heart to physical, emotional and spiritual health
• interdependence of heart with kidneys, liver and small intestines
• deeper meaning of blood pressure readings
• cholesterol–villian or empowerer?
• statin drugs–pro's, con's and alternatives
• way to create stronger heart with foods
• simple, empowering qigong & acupressue points
March 9-13, 2012
Washington, D.C.
Saturday Evening, March 10
“The Power of Five Transformations ”
Juliette Tahar • • 202-664-9679
Bethesda, Md.
Counseling, March 9-13, in Bethesda, Md.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
The Five Transformations is an ancient Chinese model for understanding diversity (yin and yang) in a coherent way. What makes this unique is in its simplicity.
Like so much of Oriental medicine and philosophy, it is easy to learn and yet it will enrich your understanding of life profoundly. These five phases represent different energy states between great expansion to great contraction. They reflect all aspects of change and differences that exist in the real world.
From seasons, to emotions, to foods, tastes and smells, to organ systems, to mental qualities and much more, all things can be organized into a comprehensive picture that gives meaning and insight. You can be enriched deeply by this study.
May 24-31, 2012
May 25-27, 2012
Basic Alchemy--Oriental Medicine & Macrobiotics
CONTACT: Concord Institute • • +44 (0)20 7607 1140
For Counseling from May 23-24 & May 28-31
Please contact M. Rossoff.
June 15-20, 2012
Washington, D.C.
Saturday Evening, June 16 • Dinner-Lecture
The Heart of Emotional Healing
Juliette Tahar • • 202-664-9679
Bethesda, Md.
Counseling, June 15-20, in Bethesda, Md.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
From the physiology of our four-chambered heart to our emotional associations with it, the heart is pivotal to our health. According to oriental medicine the heart not only pumps blood but also governs and carries all emotions. The wellness of the circulatory system depends on the heart, but also includes liver, pancreas, kidneys, arteries and veins.
In Oriental medicine the Heart governs consciousness and sleep, so improving the energy of heart will benefit both of these. Further, a healthy heart is essential for true happiness, from spiritual calm to emotional enthusiasm.
Topics will include:
* Is cholesterol the main cause for heart disease?
* Do statin drugs do more harm than good, and what are the alternatives?
* What is the meaning of blood pressure from Oriental medicine perspective?
* Which foods and herbs help strengthen the heart?
* How to create emotional peace in any situation
* Empowering acupressure points and one qigong exercise for strengthening the heart
September 7-11, 2012
Washington, D.C.
Saturday Evening, September 8
Healing the Heart—Part 2: Heart As Ruler of Mind & Spirit
Juliette Tahar • • 202-664-9679
Bethesda, Md.
Counseling, September 7-11, in Bethesda, Md.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
Heart As Ruler of Mind & Spirit
The September lecture will focus on the emotional and psychological health of the heart. I will begin with a brief review of heart problems from Western medicine and Oriental medicine perspectives.
Then I will explain how spiritual consciousness is connected to the heart energy system in Chinese medicine. From these insights you will find the framework for improving your personal direction in life, including a better connection to your intuition.
I will include information about specific foods that can protect and heal the heart along with several qigong exercises for strengthening the heart. This lecture on the heart is a continuation of my talk given in June. If you attended that lecture, you will learn new information in this September session. If you missed the June lecture you will enjoy and benefit by learning about the heart in this talk.
September 28-October 2, 2012
Cambridge, Mass.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 28, 2012 • Ten Easy Steps to Greater Health • With Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 29 — 1:30-5:00 pm
Seminar: How to Assess Your Condition
Lecture & Seminar Registration
Karin Stephan • • 617-497-0218
Counseling in Cambridge, Mass.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
Macrobiotics can seem confusing at first. The many rules and recommendations (often stated as the dos and don'ts) may not make much sense. For people with experience in macrobiotics, it can still be challenging to discern the important factors from the many minor rules and idealistic perceptions.
Macrobiotics, like any dietary approach, must fulfill five areas to have a lasting impact on your life:— Nutritionally sound — Easy and comfortable for the digestive system
— Emotionally satisfying — Easy to understand — Socially do-able.
Most of us want to extend these priorities to include positive ecological and spiritual levels. This lecture will bring clarity to the how's, when's, and why's for adapting macrobiotic eating to a common sense and do-able way of life.
This seminar introduces Oriental diagnosis as a simple and useful means for understanding your constitution and current condition. Based on longstanding traditions you will learn key ways to assess acute and chronic conditions, including how to know the difference between passing symptoms and more serious health issues.
We will use basic facial, hand, tongue, and meridian diagnostic tools. This seminar will emphasize ways to evaluate the health of the digestion and respiratory systems. You will learn simple steps for both responding to symptoms and improving your condition. Handouts will be included.
October 16, 2012
Macrobiotics Simplified
Tuesday, October 16@ 7:00 pm • At Jubilee! Church • 46 Wall Street, Asheville, NC • $10 at the door
Macrobiotics can seem confusing at first. The many rules and may not make much sense. For people with experience in macrobiotics, it can still be challenging to discern the important factors from the many minor rules and idealistic perceptions.
Macrobiotics, like any dietary approach, must fulfill five areas to have a lasting impact on your life:
• Nutritionally sound • Easy and comfortable for the digestive system
• Emotionally satisfying • Easy to understand • Socially do-able.
Most of us want to extend these priorities to include positive ecological and spiritual levels. This lecture will bring clarity to the how's, when's, and why's for adapting macrobiotic eating to a common sense and satisfying way of life.
October 19-22, 2012
Basic Alchemy—Macrobiotics & Oriental Healing
Friday-Monday, October 19-22 • At Asheville Training Center • Asheville, NC
Pre-registration only
This unique 3½ day seminar can deepen and widen your understanding of healing and health. Never before has this program been given in America. It has been presented in London, England yearly for the past 6 years, with over 100 people attending.
This special study program is designed for new people and for long-time students of macrobiotics and natural healing. You will gain insights into the true nature of healing and how to understand what actions you can take for changing yourself, and maintaining greater wellness.
Please see full descriptions of the course material and support teacher, plus daily schedule and costs at,
November 12-14, 2012
Why Women Live Longer Than Men
For Counseling, Contact • Ken Becker • 650-274-1084
On average, women in the U.S. live 5 to 8 years longer than men do. Why? What factors over a lifetime influence this difference? Some scientists credit genetics, others point out that women are often less aggressive and conflict-prone than men, and more inclined to take care of themselves.
This lecture will explore the energies of life and how they differ between men and women, - from an oriental medicine perspective.
One example of a woman's internal strength is her power to conceive and give birth. Meanwhile, some men lead healthy lives well into their 90s, and in modern times, many women have more post-menopausal diseases, including increasing heart and circulatory diseases.
How can we interpret these factors and learn from them? Lifestyle, dietary habits, sleep, emotional responses, along with spiritual and community connections, play key roles. Whether you are a woman or a man, this lecture will guide you to a greater understanding of your potentials.
December 7-12, 2012
Washington, D.C.
Eat Right for Your Age
Juliette Tahar • • 202-664-9679
Bethesda, Md.
Counseling, December 7-12, in Bethesda, Md.
Michael Rossoff • 828-258-1883
Ten year old children shouldn't drink alcohol and fifty year old adults shouldn't drink milk. Some dietary ideas are easy to accept and others need explanation. This lecture concerns appropriate choices of foods based on our age.
Macrobiotics stresses the values of adjusting our eating to seasons and geographical location, also the importance of emphasizing specific food groups, such as vegetables, grains, beans, along with other foods groups.
Equally valuable is tuning in to best eating habits and foods for our age, with consideration given to our activities, lifestyle and gender. If you want to live healthfully and successfully into older age, then you can learn key approaches that will benefit body, mind and spirit according to your personal age and needs.