Testimonials for Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.

As a Counselor, Teacher and Acupuncturist

For the past 45 years Michael Rossoff has been committed to sharing the wonderful potentials of a healthy lifestyle to thousands of people.

He has been a teacher of macrobiotics and Oriental medicine, an acupuncturist, a teacher of shiatsu massage, a publisher (of MacroMuse magazine), a writer and a national and international lecturer. In recent years, Michael has lectured in England, Italy, Croatia, Israel, and Portugal, also in Massachusetts, California, and Maryland in the USA.


I just want to express my gratitude to you in your work with macrobiotics. It has made a profound difference in my life, as well as my effect on others. Your commitment and accepting manner come through in everything you do.
— P.T., Gaithersburg, Md.
The phone consultation was by far the most helpful. I went to work and saw results within days, as a large tumor under the left arm is vanishing!! Dealing with the emotional issues was also major.
— B.S., Washington, D.C.
Thank you so much for your insightful and encouraging consultation. The talks were also inspiring... what a joy to hear such an all-embracing non-judgemental presentation of macrobiotics. With your wisdom and spirit, macrobiotics could actually catch on!
— K.C., Chapel Hill, NC
Thank you so much. When I came to see you, I was about to quit macrobiotics. I did not know what to do. Reverting to the old diet was out of the question and staying with the present one was not a happy decision. Mostly I want to thank you for embracing imperfection. Thank you for being kind, soft-spoken and funny. May you live forever!!!
— J.M.G., Warrenton, Va.
You’ve helped me more over the years than everyone else put together—and helped undo what they did!!
— S.R., Silver Spring, Md.
This morning I went to my primary physician and she is tickled pink that not only is my cholesterol down but my weight is down because I’ve been making good healthy food choices following your nutritional guidance. I won’t say it’s been easy 100 percent of the time but ok most of the time. Thank you so much for all your help. I cannot say enough about how much better I feel. You have been a blessing to me!
— B.S., Greenville, S.C.


I wanted to say a huge thank you for your amazing course. The information you have given us is incredible, and I am really excited about being able to use it. I am very inspired!
— A. M., London, England
Thank you for your teaching—it was mind-blowing in many ways! It gave me a great glimpse of what is out there in the Oriental traditions and made me want to learn a lot more.
— E. L., London, England
Michael Rossoff is not only knowledgeable but a gifted teacher. His presentations are extremely well organized and he teaches from tradition and real experience.
— M. K., Asheville, N.C.
Michael’s talk was one of the best and most interesting presentations that I have had the privilege to hear.
— M. B., Baltimore, Md.
Michael is an awesome instructor. I appreciate the knowledge he shared with us. His humor and attitude made the class enjoyable and showed his passion for teaching.
— C. C., Asheville, N.C.
I feel like I got a big present and treasure—everything was extremely interesting and it wouldn’t be too much if it lasted for a day longer. It is a rare occasion to hear so much experience, knowledge, advices and to meet a teacher like this who gives and transfers his knowledge in such an unselfish way. I cannot wait to see Michael again!
— Student from Croatia
The seminar was very, very instructive and interesting. I liked the simplicity with which Michael explained things and the way he made the connections between the symptoms and the causes. The combination of learning and the practical part was excellent and I didn’t find the seminar tiring at all. I think that he brought the material closer to us in such a way that it makes you wish to start to practice it at once.
— Student from Croatia


I want to thank you for the healing work you did for me. I am still feeling the positive effect. My stress level as a teacher has been much better at school. My resistance to colds, etc., is the best ever! You didn’t tell me about this benefit. I am sold on the healing effects of acupuncture!
— R. P., Asheville, N.C.
Just want to say thank you for helping me this past year. I am feeling much better and living much healthier than when I started seeing you. Sometimes we just don’t realize how bad we feel until we begin to feel good.
— B. H., Asheville, N.C.
Thank you for all the help you have given me. You truly are a healer and I feel very fortunate to have met you.
— D. L., Asheville, N.C.
I woke up Saturday morning and was amazed that my neck and shoulders had SIGNIFICANTLY less pain...to the point that I was in great spirits today and enjoyed working outside! I was almost giddy with excitement as I told my wife that I almost felt normal...whatever that is supposed to be. Ha!
— M. F., Asheville, N.C.